Photoseries Brazil: Poço Encantado/Chapada dos Veadeiros

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Photoseries Brazil: Poço Encantado/Chapada dos Veadeiros
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Poço Encanto - Situated right next to the Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park, surrounded by a beautiful landscape: the Brazilian Cerrado ecosystem with savannah, mountains, canyons, waterfalls, crystal mines and wildflowers, hundreds of animal and bird species, partly threatened with extinction. Natural beauty and energetic mystical aura make the Chapada dos Veadeiros de Goiás one of the most popular destinations of ecotourism in Brazil. Waterfalls, rivers, natural pools, mountains, canyons, crystal mines, hiking trails and unforgettable landscapes are part of the Cerrado scenario. Flora and fauna of this place enchant with colorful exotic species; Endangered animal species complete this ecological sanctuary.   There are countless coves, natural pools and small beaches, places for swimming, sunbathing and natural showers on various hiking trails. A breathtaking view of the Serra da Baliza (Balise Forest) and the Vale do Moinho (Windmill Valley) enchants visitors from all over the world. Let me invite you to an extensive photo tour through this beautiful Brazilian landscape.   In this eBook: Focus on Poço Encanto and National Park Parque Nacional Chapada dos Veadeiros. Useful tips and information about the interesting tourist area Chapada de Veadeiros / Goiás: tourist destinations, tours, arrival, accommodation, food, climate, travel tips, travel documents, Portuguese crash course and more. Dozens of photos of different tours through this breathtaking landscape of natural parks full of waterfalls.
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